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Shopper Marketing

Diversified Platform that Connects

 to Consumers along
 entire Path to Purchase

Start My Campaign

A Prodege shopper or marketing
expert will be in touch shortly

Leading Brands & Agencies Partner with Us!

Drive In-Store
and Online Sales

Connecting Your Brand Directly to the Consumer Wherever They Shop

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Prodege actively markets your

brand’s product

to our members via

our owned and operated properties
with active shoppers, influencing their

path to purchase,
while increasing

brand awareness and driving

for your product.

Our shopping ecosystem makes it

easy to increase
average order value

and basket size for your brand by

targeting our network of millions
consumers wherever
they shop,

whether online or in-store.
See How

Reach the right people
profiling and targeting

Targeted Campaigns and
Promotions in a Cinch

Pricing Structure

Prodege offers flexible consumer

through cash back or points
that increase

shopping behavior. No
surprises when

partnering with us, we'll
hit your KPIs and

adjusts marketing
campaigns needed.

Diversification of Audience

The Prodege Network leverages

stand alone consumer brands

and apps
instead of one website or

app to fulfill a
campaign. With our

unique resources,
we know more about

the shopper
journey and can deliver in-

behavioral data analysis.

Increase Engagement and Expand Your Audience with
Integrated Campaigns from One Trusted Partner

We meet shoppers where they
are and deliver personalized
shopper marketing

data based
on deep product research
and purchase behavior

Live Trivia
Social/Live Video
Targeted Emails
Paid Placements
In-Store Deals
Mobile Notifications
Live Trivia Social/Live Video Targeted Emails Paid Placements In-Store Deals Mobile Notifications

Gain Consumer
Retention & Loyalty

Access to data and insights that
you can’t find anywhere else

360 Degree View of the Consumer

Our multitude of touch points with
the consumer offers you access to
their behavior online & offline

Getting You to the Why

Category-level data allows our
partners to identify what our
members are buying and from
where, offering you insights about
the path to purchase

Proven Successes With Prodege's Shopping Network


Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Ad Effectiveness

Analyze, Measure and Optimize your Ads

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Agile Research

Whatever the business need, we have the solution to support you

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Behavioral Data

Demystify the complex shopper
journey with verified purchase data

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Advertising Solutions!

Commerce & Cash Back Shopping

Scalable solutions to find, reach and retain customers

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Data Visualization

Access, analyze & share data
with internal stakeholders

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Advertising Solutions!

Grow & Understand Your Audience

Access our unique audience to make your next campaign or project a success

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Advertising Solutions!

Launch a Successful Campaign or Product

Gather feedback from your targets to hone your go-to-market strategy

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Products!

Mobile gaming user acquisition

Drive user acquisition with ROAS

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Mobile Research

Use location to get

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Advertising Solutions!

Performance Marketing

Target engaged users to drive growth with data-driven solutions

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Products!

Personalized Marketing Offers

Get your brand or product
to the right target audience

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Prodege peeq

Conduct Research Quickly
with our DIY Platform

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Qualitative Research

Leverage our team to understand
consumer behavior, get to the why

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Quantitative Research

Test or confirm marketing research, get to the what

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Learn About Prodege’s Other Research &
Insights Solutions!

Understand Customer Experience

Demystify the customer journey and cultivate brand loyalty

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